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2020 - The best Javascript Frameworks
  : May 04, 2020

JavaScript is a robust scripting language which is used to build web, desktop, and mobile applications with rich features and functionality. One can make a website more user-friendly and highly interactive applications with it. Things like updating web pages, UI improvements including animations, interactive maps, graphics, and much more can be created easily using JavaScript.

Many JavaScript frameworks and libraries have made their entrance over the years. While some gets picked up some are left behind and eventually go extinct. They were loved by the web development companies and have leveraged their features to do their bidding.

So, it is imperative now more than ever to keep up with the best of them as it would be the wise choice for any web developer. Knowing multiple frameworks will help you analyse your needs and choose the best option available rather than wasting your time on another.

The term JavaScript Framework means a library that provides developers with pre-built website templates and pre-written JavaScript code for standard programming tasks. The use of which will phenomenally speed up the development process.

That being said, here are 5 frameworks that I think are the best int the market.

1. ReactJS


ReactJS is an effective open-source Javascript Library used for making interactive UIs. This quickly developing JS framework is utilised by website admins to deal with the view layer of complex applications and sites. It is quicker than Angular and ideal for those in need of a basic, quick and versatile framework. The library is fundamentally a UI structure library, however, it is a solid match for building responsive single-page applications and cross-stage applications as well. It comes stacked with different highlights, for example, little record size, adaptability, the similarity with numerous libraries, and improved support process.

Notable users : Facebook, Netflix.

2. VueJS


One of he most celebrated and my personal favourite VueJS was made by Evan You in 2014. It is open-source and lightweight and is used to create inventive UIs. VueJS is intended to be versatile and make the UI development process progressively sorted out. Angular as well as React is actually receiving extreme challenge from VueJS as some describe it bring with the best of both and less of their shortcomings. It is highly probable to surpass both of them in the market. NuxtJS is a framework of VueJS that is also gaining popularity as it enhances the already existing tremendous features of VueJS.

Notable users : Adobe, Behance.

3. Angular


Angular is one of the most proficient and well-known JavaScript frameworks that give developers the best answers for consolidate JavaScript with HTML and CSS. It is an open-source front-end web framework that permits programming designers to assemble intuitive single-page web applications (SPA) like no other. This full-highlights framework is a piece of celebrated LAMP and MEAN stacks, and are considered by very good quality organisations in light of points of interest like full arrangement of instruments, rich programming style, enormous condition, and top-notch code age.

Notable users : Google, Microsoft.

4. SvelteJS


SvelteJS, an emerging framework, is similar to JavaScript frameworks such as ReactJS and VueJS, but with a crucial difference. SvelteJS converts your app into ideal JavaScript at build time, rather than interpreting your application code at run time. This means you don't pay the performance cost of the framework's abstractions, and you don't incur a penalty when your app first loads. You can build your entire app with Svelte, or you can add it incrementally to an existing codebase. You can also ship components as standalone packages that work anywhere, without the overhead of a dependency on a conventional framework.

Notable users : NY Times, Razorpay.

5. EmberJS


EmberJS is an open-source front-end JavaScript framework that enables software engineers to fabricate versatile single-page, work area, and portable applications. It chips away at the rule of MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design and is stuffed with a few stunning highlights to help developers along. It comes stacked with different functionalities like higher consistency, selective troubleshooting offices, and full-stack development choices that make versatile application developers pick Ember over other such accessible choices.

Notable users : LinkedIn, Heroku.

Choosing a JavaScript framework for your business or application is not an easy task. There are more framework rising into market and might replace some of the above mentioned or totally obliterate them all. That being said, it is always important for the developers to keep up with them so as to make the decision on which one to go forward with.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organisation, committee or other group or individual.


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