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Top 5 Advantages of MongoDB
  : April 27, 2020

MongoDB is an open source platform written in C++ and has a very easy setup environment. It is a cross-platform, document-oriented and non-structured database.

1. Flexible Database


MongoDB stores data in flexible JSON-like documents, which makes data persistence and combining easy. The objects in your application code is mapped to the document model, due to which working with data becomes easy. Needless to say that schema governance controls, data access, complex aggregations, and rich indexing functionality are not compromised in any way. Without downtime, one can modify the schema dynamically. Due to this flexibility, a developer needs to worry less about data manipulation.

2. High Speed


A flexible data model with dynamic schema and with powerful GUI and command line tools, makes it fast for developers to build and evolve applications. Automated provisioning enables continuous integration and delivery for productive operations. Static relational schemas and complex operations of RDBMS are now something from the past. MongoDB is a document-oriented database. It is easy to access documents by indexing. Hence, it provides fast query response. The speed of MongoDB is 100 times faster than the relational database.

3. Auto-sharding


MongoDB can store a large data by distributing it to several servers connected to the application. If a server cannot handle such a big data then there will be no failure condition. It supports Master–Slave replication. MongoDB uses native application to maintain multiple copies of data. Preventing database downtime is one of the replica set’s features as it has self-healing shard.

4. Scalability


With the ever evolving needs of businesses, their database systems also needed to be upgraded. A great advantage of MongoDB is that it is a horizontally scalable database. It makes it easy to fetch the data and provides continuous and automatic integration. When you have to handle a large data, you can distribute it to several machines.

5. Ad-hoc Query Support


Generally, when we design a schema of a database, we don’t know in advance about the queries we will perform. Ad-hoc queries are the queries not known while structuring the database. So, MongoDB provides ad-hoc query support which makes it so special in this case. Ad-hoc queries are updated in real time, leading to an improvement in performance. MongoDB has a very advanced feature for ad hoc queries.

Being a NoSQL database, MongoDB has so many great features. These amazing features make this technology very unique and attractive. Also, these features are making MongoDB widely usable and popular.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organisation, committee or other group or individual.


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