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Unity 3D - Why to go with it?
  : May 11, 2020

Developing game applications for different platforms was quite a task, just a decade before, as a mobile game development for various platforms involved a lot of time, effort and money. But, the launch of the Unity engine surely turned the tables. The powerful cross-platform engine enabled the game app development for more than 25 platforms and distinct devices in a user-friendly development environment. It provides a plethora of resources containing ready-made assets, clear documentation, tutorials, intuitive tools and online community at free to create amazing content.

Scripting, rendering, asset tracking and physics are some of the features of Unity 3D that reduce the time and cost of development. It offers flexibility to deploy projects on multiple platforms. The benefits have stacked up the Unity engine on the top of the cross-platform game development ladder.

Times sure have changed and game engines aren't just meant to develop games anymore. They serve the needs of various industries. Of the top of my mind the top three would be Game development, Architecture and the Automotive industry.

The game engines are widely used by the industry leaders in automotive industry to run simulations and test scenarios - with the current situation, we all are going through, the virtual world does have it advantages.

So, here is what I think that are the reasons for someone to consider to choose Unity 3D for their particular set of requirements.

1. Cross Platform


One of the biggest advantages of using Unity3D is you are not confined to a single platform. The games you make can be rendered to be used on over 25 platforms across mobile, Console, Desktop, TV, AR, VR, MR, XR and the Web. Imagine to code and develop for once and run it on all the top platforms out there. That is the power Unity 3D provides you.

2. Documentation


For developers that are just starting out, documentations are easy to understand. Unity 3D does provide that and in detail. It includes explanation of every single topic, no matter big or small. It is undoubtedly, must have feature for not just game engines, but all software tools.

3. Debugging

The Unity 3D has a Play mode, which the developers can make use of for rapid iterative editing. When you press the "Play" button in the editor, you are inside your game. At any point of time, if you encounter a bug or feel that any functionality isn’t working as you expected, you can pause it and alter the code as per your liking and can see the results instantly. You can even cruise through your game frame by frame and pinpoint the problems.

4. All-in-one Editor


Loaded with features and with tremendous flexibility, it comes with a powerful and easy-to-use editor which is a complete package in itself. With features like real-time global illumination, advanced memory profiling, easily modifiable animations, play mode, timeline storytelling tools and a whole lot of other features for your aid, you would rarely go wrong with this one.

5. Unity Analytics

Unity 3D has built-in analytics which you can find easily in the editor. It gives you information that can be used to tweak the workflow and offer an awesome experience for the users. It does provide key insights about what you are building which will in turn help you reduce most of your monetization efforts.

Among todays game engines, Unity 3D is considered one of the best. But, as every coin has two faces, the engine also has some downsides and benefits. The improved versions of Unity 3D have continuously upgraded the engine and fixed the issues.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organisation, committee or other group or individual.


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