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What makes Mixed Reality the next big thing?
  : May 25, 2020

Still on its early phases, Mixed Reality have been around for a while. It becoming more mainstream and the benefits could be limitless for most of the industries.

A ball can bounce off furniture and walls. It could disappear behind a pillar. The user could interact and manipulate the objects. If you achieve all of the above(and much more), you are in the Mixed Reality. One could say that Mixed Reality or MR is Augmented Reality(AR) on steroids.


So, where can we make use of the fairly new mixed reality.

1. Automotive


The leaders in automotive industry have been embracing the digital for a while now and mixed reality is no exception. As it happens, it holds a predominant position in the transformation to Industry 4.0. Design, engineering, manufacturing, quality assurance, testing, validation, marketing, after-sales, etc. are some of its applications in the industry. It could also be used in training as well as implementing standard operating procedure.

2. Architecture


The architecture industry is no stranger to high fidelity 3D application. But the applications have been limited to design and planning for a long time. Not anymore. The mixed reality not only enhances the designing and planning with an option for simultaneous collaboration from multiple users, but now it can also be used in construction sites. It can and had helped the construction workers to implement the plans down to the detail with almost nothing lost in translation.

3. Medicine


This should be a given and with the current circumstances, mixed reality could do much more for this field. From training the students about the anatomy, to the surgeons having a trial run before a major surgery and even showing the vitals of patients during procedures, the applications can be virtually endless.

4. Education


Mixed reality can be complementing the standard curriculum. Graphics, video and audio can be included into a student’s environment. The ability to see and interact with something will make the learning experience engaging and memorable. This could help students experience historical events, exploring and learning much more details of the events and the area which they took place.

5. Gaming


The inevitable! The gaming industry is usually the first to adopt every upcoming technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) as well as Extended Reality (XR). It shouldn’t be surprising as most of the game engines support these technologies. Even the applications used for other fields are usually made with the help of these game engines.

Combining the benefits of mixed reality with the analytics-driven power of IoT can leverage significant improvements.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organisation, committee or other group or individual.


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