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Top Trends in Augmented Reality
  : June 01, 2020

In 2019, Augmented Reality(AR) has grown in a record pace. With Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon with serous commitments , commercial support is definitely strong for AR. The installed user base for AR, this time last year was over 1 billion which is only going to go north.

1. Automotive Industry


Heads-up displays have been a fixture in military aerospace for decades, but AR is only now beginning to bring that potential to the automotive world. This will help the driver see the directions without having to look down at a GPS panel on the dashboard. Motorists can be alerted to hazards, providing directions and given warnings about traffic. On a more whimsical note, systems can also provide drivers and passengers with information about nearby landmarks and destinations. Of course, this is just scratching the surface of the possibilities with which AR can revolutionize the Automotive Industry. Designing, Planning, Testing, Quality Assurance, etc. are some of the areas that could easily adopt the benefits and it surely doesn't stop there.

2. Mobile AR

Mobile AR

Since the introduction of Google’s ARCore and Apple’s ARKit Software Development Kits in 2017 has standardized the development tools. This played a major role in doubling the amount of AR-enabled devices and tripling the number of active users. With the unveiling of ARKit 2.0 at WWDC 2018 and ARKit 3.0 at WWDC 2019, Apple seems to have an upper hand in the market. However, ARCore is also growing rapidly bringing in new features more often. The competition for dominance can only benefit the developers and undoubtedly the end users.

3. WebAR

Web AR

Instead of needing to use specialized apps, users can simply log on to AR-enabled websites to access the same level of functionality. Google and Mozilla are engaged with WebAR in order to bring AR solutions to Chrome and Firefox respectively, though the prior is far ahead. Apple, Samsung and Microsoft web browser offerings are also rapidly adopting the WebAR standards.

4. Shopping


At least 100 million users were expected to utilize AR-enabled shopping by 2020, according to a report from Gartner. The increase in the number of AR-enabled mobile devices makes the job much easier for the industry. Everyone can now comfortably use it as part of their daily experience. American Apparel, Uniqlo and Lacoste have already deployed showrooms and fitting rooms that provide try-before-you-buy options while IKEA has provided the customers with the ability to browse and place furniture in their houses to see how it would look. This might get adopted by many more retailers in the future not just because it is convenient for the parties involved, but also because of the new social distancing norms. Virtual assistants will also significantly change the shopping experience.

5. Navigation


This is the obvious one. AR can not only be used for heads up displays in automobiles, but also can make a significant contribution to indoor navigation. Google maps already provides the consumers a good experience in outdoor navigation. But now, AR can help them find their way indoors. ARCore and ARKit based applications can already provide directions in airports, malls, hospitals and office campuses. Last August, Google Maps launched a beta version of its augmented reality walking directions feature that will available to all AR-compatible Android and iOS mobile devices. With the help of the inbuilt camera, users were able to see information regarding their surroundings in real-time. The AR powered navigation is expected to conquer new territories.

According to experts, the AR/VR/MR/XR industry will be dominating in the future and the growth will continue to be steady.

Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in the article belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the author's employer, organisation, committee or other group or individual.


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