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Optimizing for Search Engines
A look into how to do Search Engine Optimisation
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Why we need User Experience Design?
The importance of User Experience Design in the development process
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Mathematics in Software Engineering
Why mathematics is important for a software engineer
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Embracing Decentralized Development
The advantages of using decentralised development
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Micro Frontends - A Modern Approach to Front-End Development
A peep into the world of micro front-ends
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WebAssembly and Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and WebAssembly
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Quantum Computing and its Potential Impact on Software Development
Potential implementations of Quantum computing
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The Psychology of Software Bugs Understanding and Preventing Common Mistakes
Understanding and preventing bugs in the software
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Serverless Computing and the Future
Serverless computing and its various possibilities
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Machine Vision -Transforming Industries AI
Relevance of Machine Vision today
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Semantic Web - A Smarter Future
A brief description of semantic web
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52 Articles, 7 Books and a Pandemic
A year of blogs, reading and the pandemic.
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Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFD Simulations and its advatanges of classical experiments.
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Sensor Fusion
The method and advantages of using multiple sensors together.
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Internet of Behaviours
A sneak peek into the Internet of Behaviour.
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Ambient Intelligence
A small introduction to the developing concept of Ambient Intelligence.
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Quantum Cryptography
The need for quantum cryptography at the impending dawn of quantum computing.
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What is cryptography and why do we need it now more than ever.
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Physics Engine
How do physics engines help create a better experience for games and simulations.
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Why do we need shaders and what types of shaders are out there.
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Smart Home Automation
What are smart homes and how they can make our lives better.
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Point cloud
About the point cloud and what are its uses.
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Light Detection and Ranging - Possibilities.
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Robotic Process Automation
About the Robotic Process Automation and its benefits.
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About Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and its applications.
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Internet of Things
A brief introduction to Internet of Things or IoT.
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Edge Computing
Edge computing - need and advantages.
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Brain Computer Interfaces
A little about BCI's and its current state of affairs.
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Quantum Computers
What is a quantum computer and how is different from a traditional computer?
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Computer Vision
How does a computer see the world
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Blockchains - How and Why?
The basic structure and functioning of the blockchains.
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Industry 4.0
The fourth industrial revolution.
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Let's talk about SOLID Principles
A brief explanation of the SOLID design principles by Uncle Bob.
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Processes for Better Software Volume 3
Best practices for software engineers.
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What are Digital Twins?
A brief introduction to digital twins.
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Good practices for Git
What are the good practices to make git work in our favor.
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How do browsers work
How does a typical browser loads and displays a webpage.
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Reflections on how we code
What are some of the factors that help the way we evolve as an engineer.
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How to be an effective Engineer?
The necessary skills needed for any software engineer.
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Why Game Engines?
What are the needs for game engines and how they came to be.
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What are Best Practices?
Brief explanation of commonly agreed upon best practices in software engineering.
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Design Patterns - Why and How?
A brief explanation of the need and use of design patterns.
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Processes for Better Software Volume 2
Best practices for software engineers continued.
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Processes for Better Software Volume 1
Best practices for Software Engineers.
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The Perils of Ray-Tracing
There are certain perils for ray tracing among most of the advances it provides.
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Extended Reality Simplified
Extended Reality Explained.
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Self Driving Cars - A Better Tomorrow
How self driving cars might help us create a better future.
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How to be a Full Stack Engineer
An article to help you accelerate on your path to become a Full Stack Engineer.
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Ray tracing - What you need to know
Explaining Ray tracing.
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Virtual Reality Advantages
The advatages of implementing Virtual Reality.
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Virtual Test Drive & Autonomous Driving
How autonomous driving technology can help us.
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How to choose components for a desktop PC on your own
An article to help you choose the perfect components for your next PC build.
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Industry 4.0 & Mixed Reality
How could Mixed Reality revolutionize Industry 4.0.
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6 Levels of Autonomous Vehicles
An article describing the levels involved in autonomous driving.
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Best 5 Hybrid Mobile App Development Frameworks
An article regarding the prominent hybrid mobile application development tools.
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Top Trends in Augmented Reality
An overview of the trends associated with Augmented Reality.
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What makes Mixed Reality the next big thing?
Which areas can benefit from the use of Mixed Reality.
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Top features of Unreal Engine
Article about benefits of using Unreal Engine.
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Unity 3D - Why to go with it?
An article featuring the top features of Unity 3D that makes it stand out from the crowd.
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2020 - The best Javascript Frameworks
Some of the best available JavaScript to work with in 2020.
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Top 5 Advantages of MongoDB
An article regarding the advantages of MongoDB.
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5 Mistakes Front-end Developers should Avoid
An article regarding usual mistakes made by most Front-end Developers/Engineers.
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5 Things to motivate you to perform Unit Testing
An article that describes the reasons to do Unit Testing.
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5 Essential Reasons for E2E Testing
An article to inspire you to perform End to End Testing in application.


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