Terms & Conditions

Last Updated : 15 October 2023

Welcome to aghiljose.com (hereinafter, “we”, “us”, “our”, “this” or “it”). This is a website of Aghil Jose (hereinafter, “I”, “me” or “his”) which also serves as his personal blog and portfolio. You the user can use it in ways explained here.

1. Contact Information

For any issues or discrepancies regarding this, you can contact me via e-mail at career@aghiljose.com. Please feel free to reach out for any queries regarding this or its contents.

2. Contact Information

a. Age Restrictions

Users of any age can use this website. We do not have any restrictions or the need for it whatsoever as of this document is being written, unless if parental guidance is required in the respective countries. Then the use shall be according to the continent, country, state or region.

b. General Use

User is free to browse, read, share the link of pages as they please. Users are advised not to use any content in the blog section as a final say in any case. Users are encouraged to point out any errors or misinformation presented in the website.

Users are strictly advised not to use any content in the portfolio section other than reading and sharing the respective pages’ links.

c. Posting Comments

The blog section of the website provides the user an option to express their opinion about respective blog post via text comments. The user would need to provide an email and name along with clicking in a checkbox/s such as google recaptcha in order to ensure you are in fact, a human and not a bot. Every user who is posting a comment shall be solely responsible for the comments they put in. The comments must always be civil and must not be in anyway disrespectful or offensive towards anyone. Political and religious comments are strictly not allowed and will be removed immediately once it comes to our notice. Users can always contact us via provided email to remove a comment posted by themselves at any point of time. Users are also encouraged to report any comments that they find offensive or disrespectful in anyway. After careful consideration and evaluation, the comment/s shall be removed if we deem it to be necessary.

3. Limitations of liability

The users are solely responsible for any consequences resulting after using the contents in the website. I/We do not hold any liability for the same. So, users advised and encouraged to check any information you get here are in fact correct or real from multiple sources.

4. Disclaimer

If there are links provided to external websites/ applications, I/we always try to ensure it is safe. But, the user shall be solely responsible for any consequences resulting after clicking the same. I/We do not hold any responsibility or liability for the same. So, users are advised to check any links that are leading to outside of this website.

5. Privacy Policy

We have a page dedicated for Privacy Policy. Users are encouraged to go through the same.


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